Our Lady of Grace Monastery Welcomes You To Learn About Your Charisms:

A workshop on the topic of Charisms will be offered at Our Lady of Grace Monastery on May 25th, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm.

Charisms are divine gifts given to each of us at baptism. We are empowered to exercise these supernatural gifts, as channels of God’s love and redeeming presence, to build up the Church. The Charism of Healing, in particular, sparks faith in the community. Father Frank Pellerin will focus on both the scriptural and historical context for charisms. Cathy MacDougall will focus on the charisms displayed in the lives of the Saints and assist you in discerning your individual charisms using the St. Catherine of Siena Institute method. The day will end with a Healing Mass with Father Albert MacPherson, O.S.A.

Lunch and snacks will be provided.

Registration Fee: before May 19th: $25 per person

Registration Fee after May 19th: $30 per person

For payment details:

Download the brochure

For further information please call (902)968-1280.

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