We would like to share with you this message which we received about a miracle experienced from the Holy Spring at the Shrine:

Dear Mother Gloria Camalon,

I spoke with you last month, my name is Marilyn Hall. I live in Newport, Rhode Island in USA. I am married and have seven children.

When I was born the doctor told my parents I would not live past ten years old. I had severe asthma. My Mother had a portrait done of me because of that news. My siblings wanted a portrait done of them.

We had a woman from Nova Scotia, who helped take care of my little sister. Her name was Mrs. Gouthreau When I was ten I was going to have my lung removed at the Boston Children’s Hospital. The doctors were not sure I could tolerate the operation. I was unable to eat normal food, just mushy type of food. I was extremely small and thin.

Mrs. Gouthreau told my mother about the Spring water at your Monastery that people had been healed from. My mother had some water flown to Boston. The night before my surgery she applied the water over my lungs. When she did I heard a voice say, “Your Mothers faith has healed you.” I told my Mother what I heard. She believed me.

As she was leaving that night the doctors called her name over the intercom to return to the floor I was on and told her, they had decided to let me go home and take some medicine that was new and see if that helped.

On the ride home I was hungry and asked my Mother, if I could get a chocolate milk shake, a hamburger and french fries? She said, yes. My grandparents who were there as well started screaming that will kill me. I ate all of it without any problem.

Shortly after the return home the Boston doctor called to see how I was doing. My Mother told him I was completely healed. He was thrilled that the medicine worked so well, he said. My Mother said,”I never gave Marilyn a drop of that medicine.”

He said, that is impossible that she is healed then. So we went back to Boston and tests proved I was completely healed. The doctor said, “A Miracle.”

Many years ago Fr. Louis Marie would mail me the water from the Spring. One day I called and he said the monastery was closing and I would not be able to get any more water. Very sad.

Last month I was cleaning out a bookcase and came upon paperwork for Father Marie and the monastery. I went on computer and could not believe the monastery was still open and there was mention of the healing water from the Spring on website.

I also found a paper my youngest son Jacob wrote in 2004 for his religion class at school entitled, ‘My Mothers First Miracle.’ Jacob said he will scan this paper up to you.

I hope this information will help you to spread the word on Our Lord and His promises. Believe and Trust in Him.


Thank you for your donation and your wonderful letter Marilyn.

Marilyn Hall

$100.00 December 4, 2018

We would love to thank Our Lord and Our Lady for all the blessings our family have received. And to see the Monastery flourish.
Joe and Marilyn Hall and family

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One Response to " Donor Letter: Miraculous Shrine Water "

  1. What a marvellous testimony of the healing power of God who can use many means to heal us, having faith helps a lot but not always necessary as God is the one who chooses who He will heal for whatever reason! He is a loving God who gave us his beloved son Jesus born of Mary who we rightly name Mother of God! She spent her life and now eternity with the redeemer so we call her Co-redeemer as she leads us to her son! I love the monastery as my uncle Brother Blaise Pelrine entered when he was 16 and is now in Marylake 65 years later! I just returned from the monastery this past Monday and Tuesday to start work on the bridge restoration. The nuns were so hospitable. I’m helping with fixing up the monastery and with the fundraising so call me or email if you can help too! Marcel@pevtroconsulting.com +19024497613

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